What can I say, I am back home. Funny how fast time really goes. I still remember first learning that Calvin had associations with a study abroad program in Jerusalem during my Freshman year. I knew right then and there that I wanted to go. So these past 4 months were a long time in coming, and they were totally worth the patience. The time spent in and around Israel are definitely going to be one of those times in my life that I go back to when I speak of those "good ol' days" when I become that old guy that tells a bunch of stories all day not that I don't do that already. I don't plan on forgetting my experience during this life. I know in time all the understanding I have been given both in and out of classes will come. I don't need to formulate an explanation giving light the reason studying in Israel was beneficial for me and my faith, because I am the explanation. At the beginning of my semester I asked myself and God, "To what end is all my studying for?" The answers would not make sense in this medium, and actually that's quite liberating for me and you.
The reactions I get to my return and stories are mixed and I think most are amused by the novelty of the region I called home for a semester. Saying I've recently been to Israel isn't much of a conversation starter in Indiana. That's fine by me too, because I don't dominate dialogs well. I also need to clarify that whether or not I am or was ready for it time continues to march on. Even though I have only been back to the States for about a week now changes have taken place.
This is my last Jerusalem post. It will of course crop up in later posts, but it won't be my primary focus. I need to be in the present and at least relevant to myself. I am turning the page. One more passage to all of you.
To you who will never be in the history books and even to those who are and will be, may you never forget the one who strengthens you.
To you who weep, may you find solace in a friend.
To you who fight may you cease to hate.
To you who are indifferent to it all may you be moved to passionate living.
To you who gripe about the insignificant, may you construct a significant solution to share with all.
To you who wander the world, may you find peace every night.
To you who are too small, may you never let that stop you from achieving big dreams.
To you who already believe in Christ, may you open up to Him more and more everyday.
To you in authority, may you always remember your responsibility.
To you who suffers, may you never forget the one who suffered first.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and May Your Next Page be Blessed more than the last!
In Him