One thing about myself before going further. I like to use my words.
Some days I don't get to interact with people as much as I would like. Most of the time that is my own fault, but sometimes it is situational. School has been one of those places where I can both interact with and choose to separate myself from people on a daily basis. There is always that choice at school. Back home though there is a different schedule. Most days it is me and the dog for a good portion of the day and I can only talk to the dog so much before I start driving myself insane... I read a lot, and also bomb around on those video games I haven't touched since Christmas break, but I need to get out of my own head. So I write for you all.
This past weekend I went camping with a great group of guys (you know who you are). It's good to get out and be yourself in an environment that demands very little from you. We played ultimate frisbee, ran barefoot on the beach(chariots of fire?), napped in hammocks, wrote in the sand, and numerous other activities. No one brought a camera, and some might say that because there are no pictures of this event it is like it never happened. Seriously? Photo evidence is what is required to remember this event? I digress. I know it happened and whether you choose to believe me or not has very little to do with the evidence I can or cannot produce for you. One part that really stuck with me was our game of hot seat (can this be labeled a game?). In case you don't know me I am entering my senior year of college which has a lot to do with the next few comments I have.
A question I was asked had to do with what I think the next year or two will look like for me. I honestly do not know. I am pretty sure I will be working on a masters' degree, but I don't know where. I don't know what part of the country I could find myself in. I have wishes and doubts concerning my relationships with a lot of people I am close to because of my uncertainty about my future placement. It's all crazy, but I don't want it any other way right now.
I am entering what will likely be the best summer of my life. After that I will be in my senior year of college. I have done much already and look forward to finishing well. All of this is by God's will though. I may die before getting to the next character for this blog.........Still here. Seriously though we're not immortal. With all the uncertainty surrounding what, where, who, when, and how of life for the next 1 to 2 years (and even beyond that) I can still answer the why of life. I live to be molded and made in the likeness of Christ to bring his kingdom here, and to receive his grace so that I may worship him in love, and join my brothers and sisters in the Church. Does any other question require an answer? If you pinpoint your very purpose in life the other questions are either answered or become vanity.
No I don't know where I'll be or who I might find myself surrounded by in the next year or so. No I don't know how I will get there or what I'll be required to do once I am there. I do know the why though. Yes the why is my purpose, and nothing supersedes that.
May you answer your why with ιxθυς (and no you don't have to put it on your bumper, but go ahead if you so desire).
Blessings in Him Always.