September 2, 2011

The Clay

"And those who walk in pride he is able to humble." Daniel 4:37b

Have you ever felt like your life revolves too much around you and your own power?  Let's face it we all have a sense of power.  When this sense of power is threatened there are a few ways in which we can react.  We can act in a defensive manner which can lead to hostility if pushed far enough.  In most of today's thinking it is the pursuit of power that drives us on.  Our homes have become small castles, cars have more horses, governments more regulations, and our sports hit harder than before.  Does this prove anything to you?  Probably not but just goes to say that the natural inclination of man and woman is to be seen as more than the next man or woman.  This is where culture and the Christian walk ought to begin to stand apart.

This whole quagmire of besting the Jones family revolves around pride.  I am sure most of you have already thought about this and have applied your conclusions  to your life.

I write this to remind you that pride is an hourly struggle.  Just this day I found myself fighting pride during a time where I really had nothing to be proud about.  So often the most meaningless thought or thing becomes a source of pride in my life.  I pretend to pride myself in organization and then I do what I did today and forget a scheduled appointment I had planned on earlier this week...  I pretend to pride myself in being a good conversationalist and then I find myself observing a conversation today rather than engaging it...  I hope this does not come off as mopping because that is not my intention.  I simply want to illustrate the breadth of my shallow vanity.  So this blog has become a way in which I am humbled.  I know no other reason as to why I am currently writing this to you all to read.  Sorry if I wasted your time, but like I have written in other blogs writing is therapy and I believe God uses it for my growth and hopefully something beyond me.

I pray next time I write it will be on something more beyond myself.


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