December 27, 2009


We are relational.
People need other people. I admit there are times I'd rather be left alone, but more times than not I'd like to be with at least one friend. These days its easy to communicate with people. We have IM, Text Messaging, Facebook, Tweet, Blogs, Skype, Email, Telephone, Cellphones (capable of all these), Snail Mail, and Face to Face. It's amazing to be honest. Knowing that anyone from anywhere could be reading this is pretty cool. Communication is only half of a relationship. The other is connection.
Connection is the way in which we respond to the communication that goes on around us. Let me give a simple example. A friend of mine tells me (communication) he is struggling with something, and my response (connection) is to pray and encourage my friend. This response not only shows that I am actually listening to what my friend is communicating, but also that I care enough about our relationship and his own life. It's called being a person to another person.
Our society is really good at communicating as I have said before. I think the issue is making real connections. It's easy to forget that our actions have consequences whether we see them or not.
I am blessed to be a part of a great small group. This past semester we talked about what it means to be a man of God. I came to realize that a man's relationships are critical to his faith. We were all challenged by 1 Timothy 5:1-2, “Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.” We are holding each other accountable to this and let me tell you it has made a huge difference. When I strive to connect with Christians as if they were my own brother or sister it makes for meaningful relationships. This connection coupled with excellent ways of communication make my relationships not only grow, but also contribute. A community of deeply connected people changes the environment around it just by existing. Again this is because every one of us is relational and we are curious as to how these people can both communicate effectively and connect deeply.
I leave you with this: communicate to connect and connect to commune.

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