Story time! Last year I lived on a living learning community. On this floor we shared a concern for the environment and stewardship (I learned a lot). The community grew so close from the begininng that our RA decided that we would not be a community but a family. Now I was not family close to most of my floor, but I could live in community with them(There is a difference between the two even when the "family" is at best a community of unrelated people). The words we use describe groups matters, and family can be alienating to people who may feel like they are simply adopted into the family, because no one really knew who they were before they showed up. I like the word community, because it serves its purpose. Community draws people in together without alienating or leaving a person without purpose. I am a part of a community which does not even make it a point to call itself that, it is simply a community in its existence. All members of this community share similar goals, struggles, and especially questions. I don't always get it right during the week, but as a community we raise our prayers, petitions, and most especially our praise to the Lord.
A community that prays does not pray for just the community. Have you ever been praying with a group and felt alienated? Maybe what they are praying for is not something you yourself could say at the time. Example, let's say your day has been pretty bad and the prayer is of thanksgiving and you are not feeling thankful at this point, you almost feel hypocritical having joined in this prayer. Don't leave the prayer! Listen to the words of those praying. Those words are for you too! When we cannot pray, worship, or even stand at any given moment the community of Christ can and will do this for you!
I am a human and have my ups and downs just like you. The beauty of our coming together in Christ is knowing that He is present in all areas of our community! Whether you are at the peak of Everest in your journey or along the shores of your own personal Dead Sea you can be sure that God is walking with or even for you.
Here is the deal though. This community I have been talking about has another name to describe itself. It is also known as the body of Christ. Every single member has a purpose in the body and they are all directed by the head which is Christ himself. The body has and will be born, baptized, beaten, criticized, crucified, and resurrected. The body gives purpose and honor to all of its parts. All parts give their utility to the head which uses the parts to accomplish a goal.
The community comes together and becomes the body when all the members of that community are held accountable to surrendering to Christ who is the head. The body whose head is Christ, can most effectively love God and neighbor. We are the body and Jesus Christ our Lord is the HEAD!
That is why I sign off always with;
Thank you Vince for the nice reminder. I think sometimes it is not selfishness but laziness that keeps people away from their community. I know from experience of not joining in social experiences or sharing things with others because I was too lazy/tired to get up and do it! I felt as though I didnt have the energy, but what I didnt realize was that getting it off my mind and into others who care and support me as brothers and sisters in Christ was the best thing for me. :D